Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Decisions, Decisions

We can look at the atheist process as a series of dipole switches:
Is there a god?  Do I believe there is a god or not?

These two dipoles create four distinct considerations. The atheist, there is no god, and I believe there is no god; the confused, there is no god and I believe there is a god; what the religious think of atheist, there is a god, and I think there is no god; and the religious, there is a god and we believe.

As there is no evidence of a god, the only logical to assume there is no god, and once we see this, it is obvious that all the benefits of religions flow from the simple belief that there is a god. A simple belief, no reality. In fact, all religions are founded on this simple and wrong likely belief. Duh.

So what is there to base our ethics on? Our existence? The beliefs that give the remainder of humans the best chance of pleasant, fair and equatable or equitable lives? What is something worth? Fair pricing must be named.

Does the government have the right to impose ethical constraints on the people? Do any group of others have the right to impose there values onto others, when the behavior does not impact the group, and it is just against the opinions of the group? I am of the opinion that group must mind there own business, and as such stay out of places where there nose does not belong. We Canadians have abortion right, it must be between the female and her doctor. Other people are not involved.

The fetus has no rights until it is born. Consider our noble savages's culture of old. If the child did not survive birth on it's own, it did not survive. Life required independence from the first breath. Children and old who could not keep up were simple left behind when camp moved. To bad. So sad. Do what we need to to survive. Now we are harnessed with the burden of many lives who cannot support themselves.  

What do I know?

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