Saturday, November 3, 2018

Aha Moments/ Religions are coping systems.

I first must define/describe an Aha moment. It is the moment that we here or understand something that we know instinctively that is correct. It is that moment when we have a awaking to some fact, some concept, that we realize is correct, we suddenly assent to an idea. All debate ends for us at that point. We know that we have reached our fundamental truth. Could this concept still be wrong? Possibly, but the likely hood is reduced from neutral. Religion is a coping system. That explains why there are so many, and why they are different. Anything that is not common to most of them is likely wrong, anything that is common to many is likely an old good concept, and must be tested.

So we have now defined the purpose of religions as aids to the human brain, to helps us get through all the vicissitudes of  life. Understanding religions as coping systems categorizes religion, not as total falsehoods, but a functioning psychological structures, that although we know them to be coping systems, we also realize that they allow civilization to work. We know that psychopaths have a very different moral and mental coping system, placing no feelings in the structure of the coping system. Only physical pain is allowed to govern. Mental pain does not exist, or so it seems. Such a coping system would not allow society to survive.

It is the realization that we need other people to create society, and that we need society for our own survival. In order for society to grow, we need to provide others with the same conditions as we need; peace, prosperity, understanding, aid, but not long term support beyond their youth, and similar concepts. Education and health care are essential, as is truth. Understanding that religions are coping systems goes a long way in the future.  

Religions as coping system make so much sense that it is an Aha moment for me. There is no god, no after life, no reincarnation, no heaven or hell, no saint, but just people, some of which are good, some less so. Religions must therefore be treated as peoples coping systems, not to wantonly destroyed, but not to be taken seriously by others either.

So how does something like this look to those of us who have realized that religions are coping systems?
A world body giving religion a serious standing... Ignorance of understanding, not worth respect... Or am I on the cutting edge of this realization?

Does pushing a coping system onto others make it more acceptable? It makes more people share the same delusion. It is a shared coping system then. One of the survival functions of any religion is to pass it onto the next generation, and we might as well include a moral foundation in that as well, as a moral foundation is likely a good thing anyway... well it is still a coping system with a moral foundation, and the moral foundations are sometimes good, and some are lacking... and all could use a bit of modernization, and/or improvement.

Do not lie must be extended... to not lying to children, Christmas for example...

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