I recognize that religion got our society this far, but it is now time to let go of traditions and venture into the future in a rational manner, with our eyes wide open and hypothesis in hand, make decisions that are good for the world, ourselves, and others. With the indicators of climate change growing so wildly, and no rational political process available, we likely will be forced into action. So what is the rational response? Test for accuracy all that we know and project those forward and see what it points to. That is all is hypothesis, and there is likely no god, no after life, and that which is not common to most religions is likely wrong. Compassion, logic, reason, virtue... for other humans should be the foundation of treatment of others. Tradition, aka religion... intolerance, bigotry, persecution must go. We must determine what is right separately and together, based on science, evidence and truth not tradition or "scared texts." For this I am responsible.
The causes of climate change have passed the point
of no return; carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is over 400ppm in the
atmosphere, and methane is over 1600 ppb in the atmosphere. In 1960 these
numbers were 280 and 500. The Arctic is 20 degrees C warmer, the September sea
ice is down to 25% of 1960 levels, and methane hydrate is melting, releasing more
methane about 200 times the rate it was in 1980. By 500 ppm Co2, we will be
suffering. The second whammy will be methane at 3000 ppb. The third will be
nuclear winter. Few others care so why should I? Oh well.
The world cannot support this level of population,
and nobody will voluntarily reduce their life style. We all are becoming
protectionist, which is not a bad thing, I think. We have gone too far in
trading, and not in producing everything we can ourselves. Oh well, the carbon
dioxide and methane will likely finish us baby boomers off. The survival of our species is at stake here and now.
I am not going to take on any of these issues, but
knowing the obvious, sit back and watch the young whirl away. Until there is a
government in power that places the people first, the problem will not be
resolved. Note that I did not say solved, for the only solution is reduction in
world population back to 3.5b or so and stabilized industry of profitable
carbon fixing established. We are the species at risk, if this is not done
soon. We current humans do not do well in a methane rich atmosphere. The next
sapient species may be able to breath in a methane rich atmosphere. Oh well.
We see that the only solution to radical Islam is there extermination, and radical christian attacks on Islam is similar response, we see the non rational evangelists deigning reality of evolution and rational development. We see the "out of sequence" artifacts as possible evidence of seeding DNA onto earth, and we know we are not the first nor alone in this universe. The third mass extinction is just irrelevant, as there is only one species we should be concerned with.
When I was a young fellow in high school we talked about overpopulation, and potential climate change. Then it was particulate and dust that was the concern, nuclear winter scenario that was prevalent. We beat that but dust may be part of the solution for methane overload solution.
So here I sit, part of the problem, but unable and unwilling to go against the world, but need to. The first step is declaring the reality of one of the many problems, and start to develop a solution for myself.
So here I sit, part of the problem, but unable and unwilling to go against the world, but need to. The first step is declaring the reality of one of the many problems, and start to develop a solution for myself.
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