Sunday, August 5, 2018

and more again

give us a handout to revive us again. beats an ear worm.


So ethics are subjective; or opinion sort of. (and thinking makes it so)  After the first few bit of logic, I want to live in peace, prosper, reproduce... well I need to foster suitable conditions for that in myself and in others, demand reciprocity, and we arrive at some subjective plus logic premises. After that, well not so much is either logic or objective.

It is reasonable that every child should not be handicapped at birth by inbreeding, therefore it is logical to have a probation mating with relatives. If a child is to grow up in a home where both parents are present, than monogamous relationship is required in our culture. We are not evolved enough of culture for much else main stream: learned behavior of most of us requires to pass on our genes, and not provide for others gene lines.

Culture is survival adaptive often. Marriage, commitment to one's partner and offspring, does not allow for jealousy, which, to some extent is a trained in cultural characteristic. The Inuit get around this by one women marrying a family of boys often. One women, several related brothers. No one is sure who is the father. It took many males to provide for a family. The unwanted young and handicapped old were exposed to die or left in permanent camps, where such existed, to live as long as they were able, and when the next visitation to the permanent camp occurred...

Multiple wives were common in warring tribes, were many young men went away to fight and die. We, in Europe and North America are in an overpopulation situation. Is that the drive that is causing homosexuals to increase? I do not know.

So our ethics, morals, values are likely subjective and adaptive to our cultural and genetic survival, but we can also refine these by common adoption of a new standard, thereby create a new cultural norms.    

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