Psychological time is a concept put forward in the spiritual literature (Tolle, Brown) as a method of using time in a incorrect way that causes much stress. Free beer tomorrow thinking, at its best. here: Psychological time is future thinking that life will be better when X happens, or tomorrow. Real future time need not be thought about much, other than as a schedule. Future time can be used for motivation, until we realize that tomorrow never comes. That is just like going on holiday, looking around and realize that you are there and the place is a dump.
Time has a few other issues. We all have a personal cadence that we learn with, speak with, read with, etc. When we try to cram more in, the cadence must increase, and then we cannot think, or write at that speed. That is the that the well educated cannot write, they do not take the time to form letters. It is that "I am not fast enough" thinking.
Once we step back from the idea that success can only be measured in terms of money, and that real value is in being, and doing good works, all the time issues become less. Volition replaces motivation. We become self driven, free acting, free living with less issues.
We start being enough in ever way. If I am not enough, they can replace me. I am all I have to work with. My time is now, and the future is changed in the Now. I was bothered by nightmares of the past, but without sugar, dense carbohydrates and grains in my diet, these have reduced to infrequent. Those nightmare were reoccurring guilt issues, mainly about high school chemistry, and other educational failed to do as well as other would have liked, but passed. What parrents and wife's do not realize is that it is impossible to do as much work as is assigned at times, when we include all the reading list. We need to do enough to get through in all courses. The smart fast people do well. Us slow/average types, weak in English just get by, but I remember formula for all sorts of stuff, and where to look it up at, Things like Haliday and Resnick.
Tolle is a good read, but remember even a stopped clock is right twice a day. I do not agree with some of his ideas, but it makes one think. Some is definitively correct, like living in the Now is all we have. Ego reduction is certainly worthwhile. Oneness is a motivation trick to provide a motive for good. Eternal is only within this life. Attention can easily be split from thinking, but I typically split it to do a boring physical things and think, not to watch thinking and other things. Oh well, a good read.
Brown provides a process of splitting the awareness from the intellect. Also interesting, but that is not where my issues arise at this time. He also has some odd but likely true ideas, which I have been exploring.
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