Motivation is key to any diet control, and yet we, the people, seem to know so little about what makes us motivated to do something, and others not motivated. When we read about motivation, intrinsic vs extrinsic, and business discussions, the person is either motivated or not, there is very little about understanding what causes it or what removes it.
A bit more digging in we find interest has a lot or something to do with it. There are stimulus to motivation and blocks to motivation. For business inadequate or unfair wages, as seen by the employee, it is a deal breaker. If the employee, employer, or client does not value the product or service, motivation and integrity is hard to maintain. When the employee does not see the value of what they are doing, motivation becomes uncertain. So our own values and beliefs are a big part of motivation.
Meaning and purpose of our life, and how these beliefs and values align with work and endeavor we are undertaking, and how our commitment, attachment to the actions, our engagement with all this comes into play. Where are values and beliefs are stored in our mind is also important. Are these values and beliefs instincts (primitive), or early trained in beliefs (limbic) or in the conscious brain. In order to change our beliefs or values to modify our motivations, we must become aware of our beliefs and values and bring them into the conscious. We must then use the new conscious way of thinking or acting until these become automatic, that is upgrade into the limbic system. This is what physical trained in muscle memory is all about.
So what does all this have to do with overeating? Our old appetites were trained in and must be replaced with new reduced eating pattern. Our old values need to be excavated, and examined. Do we enjoy eating more than we enjoy a normal size body? Are we treating eating or food as a reward rather than as energy to often? Do we value a full feeling more that we do the thought of a normal sized body? |Do we find ourselves looking in the refrigerator and it is not meal time? Do we need to create a kitchen closed policy between meals? Do we understand the motivation for eating, overeating or is all of eating just automatic, and we are always in a "could eat" state.
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