Thursday, February 2, 2012

Television - Diet Impact?

Does TV have a impact on my food intake?

Imprinted reaction: To eat when food is presented.


TV presents food representations perhaps 3 time per hour.

Implied memory and recall memory: Do what you are told.
Imprinted reaction: Do as you are told; Cooperative, following personality some of the time, (except when the "idiot" is majorly wrong),


So remove the TV form my life as a test. When I did the 5 meetings per weak, I lost weight. Yellowknife, without TV, I lost weight, as on the Gull Diversion Project, Ketza Project, Cone Undertaking, and other time. I see a connection. Now I just need to do it.

also around the web;

Sharma at  notes

Components of successful CBT for obesity treatment include:
1) identifying readiness for change and goodness of fit between patient and treatment, 
2) self-monitoring by tracking weight and food behaviours, 
3) cognitive restructuring via challenging maladaptive cognitions and 
4) problem solving by developing system of alternate food behaviours.

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