Also look at where the words point, not specifically at the word. The words are dull pointers.
- We need the desire and time, together become the perseverance to recover, to what is normal weight.
- We need the willingness to recover.
- We need the willingness to do, study and learn what we must to recover.
- We need to lose the belligerent attitudes, to become teachable: We need to lose "I know what is best for me" attitude, the instant "you are wrong" attitude, and become willing to study, learn and follow, not just program but food science or a food program.
- We need to recognise we have a problem with food, food addiction, eating behaviours, and perhaps ego extension. We do not know how to manage these thing in our lives. There are solutions.
- We need to accept that there is much information and methods available to be learned, and behaviours that address these behaviours. The knowledge bank is growing.
- It is your choice to learn and understand other peoples solutions and try a few of those solutions to your problems.
- Am I willing to follow a food program until I learn enough about food to develop my own?
- Am I willing to see the food thoughts and let go of them? not act on them?
- Am I willing to do what is necessary to recover?
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